Seed Award

Source of Funding

The Future Makers Fund is a peer-to-peer support system. Funds come from sales at the biannual Common Goods event presented by Local X Change, a percentage of sales at the annual Art Sale and repayment of FMF microloans.

Types of eligible support

  • Materials required to produce a product

  • Securing a sale venue such as a fair/festival booth rental fee

  • Upgrading marketing and promotion materials

  • Acquiring services such as fabrication assistance, printing, and shipping


The Future Makers Fund supports the long-term economic prospects of emerging artists, designers, and entrepreneurs living in Western Pennsylvania. At the time of submission, applicants must be a full-time IUP student in good academic standing.


Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Apply now! Applicants can anticipate hearing back from the funding review panel 3-4 weeks after an application is submitted. 

Review Process

Applications will be reviewed by fund co-founders Sharon Massey and Sean Derry as well as a qualified alumnus of IUP. Reviewers will evaluate applications based on viability, creativity and need.

Final Reporting

Seed Award: Two weeks after the specified project end date, a one paragraph description and single JPEG image of the work completed with your Future Makers Fund support should be emailed to